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Our boxes

Kiddybox Boxdesign

Design of boxes

The key for attraction and conviction is a good presentation. But the nuts and bolts do not satisfy us. That’s why we develop attractive and modern designs in our in-house creative department, to get enthusiasm from the Pixar spoiled kids. This gives us a high recognition factor.

Kiddybox Click Hand
unsere kiddybox ist ein muss für restaurant ideeneinrichtung

“Nice on the outside, dark on the inside!” is not acceptable for us! That’s why we don’t take anything in inferior quality in our box. Children are demanding and their first impression decides whether they will come back.

For this reason we place great importance on the best content in our Kiddyboxes. With your enclosed dishes and our items, you will create an unforgettable moment for your little guests.

Kiddybox Boxinhalt

Content of the boxes

eine gastronomie läuft immer erfolgreich, wenn kinder gerne dort hingehen - mit kiddybox wird dies zum selbstläufer

What´s inside?

in der kiddybox schatzkiste passt ihre angebotene kinderportion

A small box, made of food-safe and grease-resistant cardboard.

Measurements: 7 cm (h) x 12,6 cm (w) x 7 cm (l) Perfect for filling and safe storage of your dish.

Our treasure box

A healthy drink

A juice box (0,2l) with 100% pure and delicious juice – either orange or apple. A healthy thirst quencher from Niederrhein Gold.

in der Kiddybox enthaltene 100% reine Säfte
die kiddybox beinhaltet den klassiker luftballon

A balloon

A coloured balloon made of rubber – always a popular thing for children. To inflate, to raise it to the ceiling, to rub it in the hair and make it stand on end or to hold squeaky concerts. Kids always love it to play with it.


A trendy lollipop

A lollipop of Chupa Chups as a dessert is a Must to be added to the Kiddybox set. Available in
different fruity flavors.

einen leckeren lutscher von chupa chups darf in keiner kiddybox fehlen - dessert muss sein
Kiddybox Click Hand


Let´s go!

We only put the best toys in our boxes. Branded products and licensed goods are successful with the kids as they are produced from well-known, international manufacturers in top quality and as they are licensed products they are very famous for kids. We add products to the Kiddybox which are known from TV, film, internet and videogames like Mickey Mouse, YoKai, Talking Tom, Fortnite, Super Zings, Miraculous, Hello Kitty, … just to name a few. Our warehouse is continuously replenished with new and trendy toys. We make sure that it never stays the same – they are changed monthly. An effort that is worth it to us. With 80 Kiddybox sets for example you also get 80 toy surprises. For each Kiddybox that a little guest orders, you take a toy surprise and place it in the Kiddybox along with the filled treasure box, a juice box, a lollipop and a balloon.

unser kiddybox gastronomie erklär-video zeigt wie einfach es geht

Explanation video
It can be so easy to make your little guests happy and keep them coming back. If you want to see how easy it can be, take a look at our entertaining

American Diner Kiddybox
White Wave Kiddybox

For your outdoor advertising, your windows or your checkout area we offer posters in DIN A2 and DIN A3.
In the ideal viewing height for children they are an excellent media to make the kids aware of
the Kiddybox.

zu den kiddybox werbemitteln gehören auch hochwertige poster und plakate die ihre angebotene kiddybox wirksam bewerben

Our advertising material

Available in several languages

green gastronomy marble kiddybox

for new



table displays

for free! with

the 1st order


Green Wave Kiddybox

Table displays
You can use the exquisite
table displays to draw your guests
attention to the Kiddybox.

sehr beliebt und gerne verwendet sind unsere hochwertigen kiddybox gastronomie tischaufsteller
sehr beliebt und gerne verwendet sind unsere hochwertigen kiddybox gastronomie tischaufsteller
sehr beliebt und gerne verwendet sind unsere hochwertigen kiddybox gastronomie tischaufsteller
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